Seniors Bear the Brunt of Nearly $400 Million in Pickleball Injuries for Americans This Year

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Pickleball Injuries Leading to Increase in Healthcare Costs, Impacting Health Insurance Stocks

A recent report by UBS analysts has highlighted pickleball as a major contributor to the rise in healthcare costs, leading to a significant increase in people using healthcare services. This news has caused a tumble in health insurance stocks earlier this month, with estimates suggesting that Americans will spend between $250 million and $500 million in costs related to pickleball injuries this year.

The UBS report pointed out certain demographic figures to support their claim, noting that seniors make up about one third of the 22.3 million people expected to play pickleball this year. Additionally, pickleball players tend to have high incomes, with nearly half earning more than $100,000 annually.

Analysis of pickleball injury data revealed that injuries among players aged 60 and older have been steadily increasing over the years, making the sport a significant cause of injury for seniors. The report predicted that pickleball will lead to 67,000 emergency department trips, 366,000 outpatient visits, 8,800 outpatient surgeries, 4,700 hospitalizations, and 20,000 post-acute episodes.

The estimated medical costs associated with these trips and procedures amount to approximately $377 million, with 80% of the costs incurred in an outpatient setting.

UBS analysts emphasized that while exercise is generally beneficial for health, the ‘can-do’ attitude of today’s seniors in sports like pickleball can pose a greater risk of injuries, leading to a higher number of orthopedic procedures.

The surge in pickleball’s popularity, especially among seniors, has been attributed to the increase in nonurgent surgeries among Medicare enrollees. The sport has seen a significant rise in participation, with a 113.1% increase from 2020 to 2022, earning the title of “the fastest-growing sport in America” by Sports Illustrated.

While UBS seems to be the first to link pickleball to the increase in nonurgent surgeries, reports from previous years have highlighted the sport’s injury risks, particularly among older players. A report from the Journal of Emergency Medicine in 2019 estimated around 19,000 pickleball injuries per year, with the majority affecting individuals aged 50 and older.

As pickleball continues to gain popularity, the impact of injuries related to the sport on healthcare costs and insurance stocks is a trend to watch closely.

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