Ross makes strides in reducing noise from pickleball games

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Ross Officials Consider Options to Mitigate Pickleball Court Noise

Ross officials are facing a pickleball predicament as they grapple with how to mitigate the noise from the popular sport’s courts. During a recent Town Council meeting, Town Manager Christa Johnson emphasized the urgency of the situation, stating, “We’ve dropped everything to work on this.”

The meeting on Oct. 10 saw town staff present a range of potential actions to address the noise issue, including a proposal to prohibit pickleball courts within 250 feet of residential property lines or even a complete ban in residential zones. Another option discussed was the implementation of pickleball use permits, which would require a noise study and the implementation of sound mitigation measures.

Councilmember Mathew Salter expressed the importance of setting a minimum standard for noise mitigation, stating, “If we can create a minimum standard and we think they are mitigating it to the best they can do, that’s the best we can do.”

Roberta Feliciano, the town’s planning and building director, clarified that any regulations put in place would be prospective and apply to new developments only.

The debate over pickleball noise has divided residents, with some expressing concerns about declining property values and a loss of peaceful enjoyment, while others highlight the benefits of the sport for various age groups and overall health.

Feliciano identified quieter equipment options from USA Pickleball, such as paddles that produce lower decibel levels when striking a ball. She also mentioned a manufacturer called Gamma that sells a “Librarian Foam Pickleball” emitting only 60 decibels.

In neighboring municipalities like Belvedere and Tiburon, measures such as time limits and noise barriers have been implemented to address pickleball noise. However, the cost of mitigation efforts, such as soundproofed walls, can be significant.

As Ross officials continue to deliberate on the issue, the future of pickleball in the town remains uncertain. Stay tuned for updates on this evolving story.

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