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Northfield City Council Approves Plan to Remove Ames Mill Dam and Install Rock Rapids on Cannon River

Northfield City Council Votes to Remove Ames Mill Dam for Ecological Health and Recreational Opportunities

In an exciting development, the Northfield City Council has voted to accept a plan that would authorize the city to purchase the Ames Mill Dam from Post Consumer Brands, remove it, and install a long rock rapids area on the Cannon River. This decision comes after careful consideration of the environmental impact and the potential for increased recreational opportunities along the river.

The decision to remove the dam was influenced by the city’s Riverfront Activation task force, which recommended creating more recreational opportunities along the river. Additionally, concerns about the ecological health of the Cannon River, which has been labeled “impaired for wildlife,” played a significant role in the decision. Mayor Rhonda Pownell emphasized that improving the ecological health of the river was a primary motivation for the project.

The feasibility study conducted by Barr Engineering outlined the options for removing the dam and installing a rock rapids area. The estimated cost of the project is between $5 million and $10 million, with potential funding available from grants provided by agencies such as the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources and the US Fish and Wildlife Service.

Post Consumer Brands, the current owner of the dam, is in favor of selling it to the city, as they see it as a liability. Public feedback on the project has been largely positive, with only a few individuals expressing a desire to preserve the dam for its historic significance.

Moving forward, the city will enter into negotiations with Post to purchase the dam and explore funding options for the project. The unanimous vote by the City Council signals a strong commitment to improving the ecological health of the Cannon River and creating new recreational opportunities for residents.

Overall, the decision to remove the Ames Mill Dam represents a significant step towards enhancing the natural environment and recreational amenities in Northfield. Stay tuned for further updates on this exciting project.

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