A Communication from Councilmember Matt Basgall

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Promoting Outdoor Recreation and Community Engagement in the City of Clovis: A Message from Councilmember Matt Basgall

Councilmember Matt Basgall has been a strong advocate for the importance of outdoor recreation within the City of Clovis. Recognizing the numerous benefits that green spaces, parks, and recreational areas bring to the community, Basgall has been actively working to promote and support initiatives that enhance outdoor recreational opportunities for residents of all ages.

One recent initiative that Basgall has been championing is the development of pickleball courts within the city. Pickleball, a popular sport that is enjoyed by individuals of all ages, has been gaining traction in Clovis and Basgall sees it as a great way to promote community engagement and physical activity.

Basgall recently attended a pickleball tournament in Clovis and was impressed by the turnout of competitors and spectators. He believes that incorporating pickleball courts in various neighborhoods throughout the city will not only provide residents with a fun and engaging activity but also strengthen community bonds.

Aside from promoting specific recreational activities like pickleball, Basgall also recognizes the broader impact that outdoor recreation spaces have on the overall well-being of the community. By providing opportunities for physical exercise, social interaction, and environmental stewardship, these spaces play a crucial role in creating a healthier and more vibrant community.

As Clovis continues to grow and develop, Councilmember Matt Basgall remains committed to prioritizing and investing in green spaces and recreational areas that will benefit residents for years to come. Through his advocacy and support, Basgall is helping to ensure that outdoor recreation remains a key component of the City of Clovis’s identity and quality of life.

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